日本財団 図書館


(7)To take immediate and necessary measures to prevent injuries, by the immediate suspension of aerodrome operations at any time when there is a danger of compromising the safety of landing and takeoff of aircraft due to effects of natural disasters or any other causes, and to establish the necessary system to communicate with the Minister of Transport when requested to do so.
(8)To provide the equipment to enable communication at any time with any other related administrative organization;
(9)To provide an aerodrome log-book, and to keep it for a one-year period describing the following items:
a)Condition of aerodrome installations;
b)Details of construction works;
c)In the case of disasters or any other accidents which occur, the time, cause, circumstances, and the countermeasures taken.
d)All relevant information required by any related organizations;
e)Any other matters necessary for the information of the aerodrome management.


(Exceptions to Restriction of Structures)
Article 92-(2). The structures which are specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport prescribed by the proviso to Article 49 paragraph 1 of the Law (including the case that is applied accordingly to Article 55-(2) paragraph 2;
Article 56; and Article 56-(4) paragraph 2 of the Law) are as follows:
(1)Temporary structures;
(2)Lightning conductor installations which shall be installed under the provision of Article 33 of the Construction Standard Law (1950, Law No. 201);
(3) Any structures which do not compromise the safe flight of aircraft in relation to the topographical conditions or any existing structures.


Article 92-(3). The other important installations specified under Article 53 paragraph 1 of the Law and are specified as the landing area, taxiway, apron, hangar, aerodrome marking facilities and fuel facilities.


(Prohibited Acts)
Article 92-(4). Activities which may compromise the safety of aircraft operations as prescribed under Article 53 paragraph 2 of the Law are described below:
(1)To throw any object at an aeroplane;
(2)To leave any metallic fragments, cloths, and any other materials in the traffic area;
(3)To use fire without specific permission in the landing area, taxiway, apron, hangar, and any place where the Minister of Transport or the aerodrome provider has posted a notice prohibiting the use of fire according to the marking prescribed in Format No. 28-2.





